Now, more than ever, it is important for people of faith to continue to dialogue together. GBHEM has created an accessible, digital platform for lay and clergy leaders to have rigorous academic discussions, share practical advice and join together in thoughtful contemplation. We offer regular e-panel discussions with thought leaders within the United Methodist Church and outside it—and invite you to join in the discussion!
All previously aired e-panels are available below and we recommend that you check back regularly for information on new topics and speakers. GBHEM e-panels are streamed live to GBHEM’s Facebook page and YouTube channel. Full recordings of each e-panel are also archived on those platforms.
2020 E-Panel Series
GBHEM launched its first e-panel series in April 2020, just as the global coronavirus pandemic forced many church leaders to scrap their regular operating procedures. Throughout the year, all e-panel discussions have focused on addressing different leadership challenges in this uniquely uncertain time. In order to do this, panels were split into three distinct categories. Explore all three and access the full panel recordings below.
Leading in Crisis
Our “Leading in Crisis” e-panel series is presented in partnership with the Council of Bishops’ Leadership Development Team and focuses specifically on the work of church leaders in addressing the impact of COVID-19 and the pervasive violence of systemic racism in 2020. Learn more about each discussion:
Coronavirus at the Crossroads of Faith and Science
“Coronavirus at the Crossroads of Faith and Science,” brings experts in faith and theology together with leading scientists and researchers to discuss the full impact of the health crisis and how we, as United Methodist leaders, are called to respond. Each panel featured physicians with different specialty expertise and leading theologians from our United Methodist seminaries.
The GBHEM Virtual Book Club
GBHEM held its first virtual book club in 2020! Participants were encouraged to start the book beforehand, but this event was open to anyone and included helpful “how-to” information on managing church finances. Click to view the full discussion below.