Rust College
Rust College is an accredited four-year, coeducational, liberal arts college. It is the oldest of the 11 historically black colleges and universities related to The United Methodist Church, the second oldest private college in Mississippi, the oldest historically black college in the state and one of the remaining five historically black colleges in America founded before 1867. It was founded in 1866.
Rust College equips and inspires students for excellence and service in their communities and throughout the world.
We Are:
- A historically Black, liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist Church which was founded in 1866 by the Freedmen’s Aid Society.
- A student-centered college where everyone is committed to the success of all students.
- A college that recognizes the threefold functions of education as teaching, research, and community service, with its primary mission as teaching.
- A college with dynamic and excellent programs designed to support the cultural, moral, and spiritual development of our students.
- A college grounded in its legacy and commitment to social justice.
Vision Statement:
Our vision reflects an institution of learning, inside and outside of the classroom. Students will prepare for careers while studying in an environment that nurtures academic and personal development.
“By Their Fruits, Ye Shall Know Them”
Spiritual Life:
As a United Methodist-related institution, Rust affirms the Wesleyan tradition of “knowledge and vital piety.” The Religious Education Department helps students explore religion, spirituality, and moral values as an integral part of a liberal arts education. On-campus activities include chapel, Vespers, spiritual formation groups, mission, and study groups. All on-campus religious activity must be approved by the Chaplain. A directory of congregations for off-campus worship is also available.
The Rust community worships in James A. Elam Chapel. The Chaplain provides counseling, spiritual direction, and mentoring. Students may serve on the Religious Education Committee to plan programming. The College welcomes students from all religious traditions—as well as those with none. All interactions about religion shall be respectful and tolerant of others. Proselytizing (soliciting converts to one’s personal religious practice) is not allowed.
Alice Davage Scholarship
Edith Allen Scholarship
Dr & Mrs M. S. Davage Memorial Scholarship
Dorothea H. and Raymond Dier Scholarship
Bishop John W. Hamilton Scholarship
Blanche M. Hubbard Scholarship
Kendall Undergraduate Scholars Program
Irene K Spears Scholarship
WEBSITE: www.rustcollege.edu
ADDRESS: 150 Rust Ave
Holly Springs, MS 38635
PHONE: 662-252-8000
Undergraduate Enrollment: 623*
Average Annual Cost: $8,924*
Dr. Ivy Ruth Taylor
Email: admissions@rustcollege.edu
Phone: 662-252-8000
Email: financialaid@rustcollege.edu
Phone: 662-252-8000
Rev. Sapada Thomas
Email: gthomas@rustcollege.edu
Phone: 662-252-8093