United Methodist Collegiate Ministries is here for you.

United Methodist Collegiate Ministries is here for you.

We are the missional presence of The United Methodist Church on college and university campuses around the world. We are a network of campus pastors, religious life directors, Wesley foundations, ecumenical and interreligious ministries, and local church outreach. We serve more than 1,300 campuses around the globe. We are here to offer you support, advocacy and resources to assist with cultivating distinctive and connected campus ministries. We are here to help you nurture the next generation of thoughtful Christian leaders.

United Methodist Related Colleges

The United Methodist Church has more than 100 institutions of education in the United States. We are second only to the Catholic Church in the number higher education institutions. We work with presidents, campus pastors and campus leaders in bringing knowledge and vital piety, truth and love together. We work with ministers and presidents on resources for connectionalism with local churches and annual conferences, leadership development, interfaith work, discernment and other useful tools for a vibrant campus spiritual life. For more information and inquiries, contact umcollegiate@gbhem.org.

United Methodist Related Colleges
United Methodist Campus Ministries, Wesley Foundations, and Ecumenical Ministries

United Methodist Campus Ministries, Wesley Foundations, and Ecumenical Ministries

Annual Conferences in the United States have more than 400 campus ministries at state schools, community colleges and two-year institutions. We support these ministries with resources related to outreach, board development, strategic planning and coaching. For more information and inquiries, contact umcollegiate@gbhem.org.

We further our resources by partnering with the United Methodist Campus Ministry Association, a network of United Methodist campus ministers with extensive knowledge and expertise in all things related to campus ministry.

Conference Boards of Higher Education

We partner with Annual Conferences and their Boards of Higher Education by sharing resources to help campus ministries within their area. Our collaboration includes board development, relationship building between the annual conference and their United Methodist-related Institutions, higher education trends and other tools that enhance the work of the BHE’s with their campus ministries. For more information, contact umcollegiate@gbhem.org.

Conference Boards of Higher Education


Anyone in collegiate ministries knows how hard it is to come across good resources. We want to create a resource page inspired by your needs and fulfilled by your creativity. We need YOUR help. Following this link, you will help us think of resources for your needs. You will also be able to provide resources you have created with the campus community in mind.

What resources do you need?
Are there specific resources you need to address the needs of your community? Maybe you need resources for board development, campus culture, mental health, liturgies or other events. Let us know here.

What resources can you share?
Some of us have developed resources in our ministry. These could be specific worship experiences (i.e., Olivia Rodrigo-themed chapel), Bible studies, Pilgrimages/service trips, student conferences, etc. Some of these you could share for free or for a fee. These resources will be later posted on an upcoming resource page. Please, upload the resource or send us an email at umcollegiate@gbhem.org. NOTE: All resources will be edited/vetted before posting.

To participate in this project, please follow this link.

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