Embodying the United Methodist connectional system


GBHEM embodies the United Methodist connectional system through its inter-agency partnerships, worldwide associations, ministerial leadership support, and equitable funding strategies. We are rooted in an intercultural network of United Methodist institutions of higher learning, chaplains, religious life directors, Wesley foundations, Boards of Ordained Ministry, and ecumenical and inter-religious ministries.


GBHEM strengthens the educational mission of the church by fostering environments of intellectual development alongside spiritual growth. Through GBHEM programs like Clinical Pastoral Education, Course of Study, the Central Conference Theological Education Fund, and the Black College Fund we support the development of Methodist scholarship and leadership around the world. 

Strengthening the educational mission of the Church
Addressing systemic issues affecting clergy well-being


GBHEM is addressing systemic problems contributing to the clergy wellbeing crisis in the United Methodist Church by actively engaging as collaborators in a co-creative space to identify and address ways our system can eliminate the challenges that foster unhealthy patterns for clergy.  By collaborating across the denomination to address this crisis, GBHEM will develop future programs and efforts aimed at supporting the well-being of clergy. 


GBHEM advances equity and belonging in every place where we have influence. We support 11 Historically Black Colleges and Universities affiliated with the United Methodist Church through The Black College Fund, by providing millions of dollars in funding each year. We award an average of $5.5 million in scholarships to help students from diverse ethnic, socioeconomic, and geographical backgrounds pursue their dreams through higher education.

Advancing equity & belonging


As the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is preparing global leaders for a global church and the world. Every elder, deacon and licensed local pastor benefits from our training and candidacy programs. Many young adults find help in clarifying their vocation and God’s call on their lives through our leadership and discernment programs.

Learn More about GBHEM

GBHEM is leading a future that embraces the ministry of learning and leadership formation in the Methodist and Wesleyan tradition while also re-imagining our ministry and mission in relation to the changing United Methodist Church and our Pan-Methodist and ecumenical partners around the world.

Download the brochure to learn about services and programs that can support you.

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Repetitive Language


Processes & Roles

Creative Implementation

Ministry Partners

Changes in the world, church, academy, and our communities of faith have required GBHEM adapt to more effectively engage the needs of those we serve as well as clarify and support the work of our ministry partners.

Debriefs, Reports, & Resources

The Virginia Conference held a post-General Conference conversation May 9. The panel included Bp Sue Haupert-Johnson; Rev. Lindsey Baynham Freeman, head of the Virginia delegation; and delegates Rev. Mark Ogren, Marshall Bailey, and Rev. Dr. Jonathan Page.

Ten Western Jurisdiction bishops (five active, five retired) share a reflection on the historic results of the postponed 2020 General Conference that recently concluded after meeting in Charlotte.

At the conclusion of the 2020 postponed General Conference of The United Methodist Church, the new president of the Council of Bishops, Bishop Tracy Smith Malone, and the immediate past president, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton proclaim a message of hope for the church.

This report from Africa University, found within the ADCA, highlights the ministry and impact of AU.

This report from the Association of United Methodist Theological Schools, found within the ADCA, highlights the ministry and impact of our 13 UM seminaries.

This report from the Commission on the Central Conference Theological Education Fund, found within the ADCA, highlights the ministry and impact of the CCTEF.

This report from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, found within the ADCA, highlights the ministry and impact of GBHEM. (Includes the 2024 addendum report.)

This report from the Young Clergy Initiative, found within the ADCA, highlights the ministry and impact of the YCI.

The Advance Daily Christian Advocate (ADCA) contains the agenda, rules, delegate listings, petitions, reports from the general agencies/commissions and study committees, information for delegates, and codes of conduct for the General Conference. All digital volumes are available in English, French, Kiswahili, and Portuguese.

This Higher Education Primer is a foundational text for the church and the academy to continue the important conversation about what it means to be a denomination with education in its DNA.

The Social Principles serve as the UMC’s official summary of stated convictions on social issues of the day. The proposed revisions reflect the United Methodist response to today’s most pressing social issues and is pending adoption at The General Conference.