LEAD Hubs – Western, Central and Southern Europe

Location: Reutlingen, Germany
Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Stephan von Twardowski
E-mail: leadGermany@gbhemhubs.org
Prof. Dr. Stephan von Twardowski oversees LEAD Hub Europe where he works closely with long-standing partners of GBHEM and GBGM. He is based in the Reutlingen School of Theology in Reutlingen, Germany and collaborates with 14 other Methodist theological training centers in a total of 12 countries across Europe. These institutions are linked together in the network of Methodist related schools in Europe (MTSE) working in the spirit of the Wesleyan connection that is vital for a theologically and culturally sensitive training for global Christian leadership. The participating institutions and organizations are committed to continuous cooperation with each other and are supported to do so by Lead Hub Europe which operates through this network. This network includes the following:
- exchange of information
- exchange of students and teachers
- development of joint programs
- sharing of resources
- exploration of new methods of cooperation made available through the development of online resources and communication
- enhanced cooperation with similar regional bodies in other continents and with regional and international bodies