IAMSCU board members are selected from the member institutions and represent different types of schools, geographic regions and areas of expertise.

Executive Committee

  • Adriana Murriello, President (Argentina)
  • Christopher Stephens, Vice-President (England)
  • Amos Nascimento, Secretary–Treasurer (Brazil)
  • Bishop Mande Muyumbo, Board Member (Democratic Republic of Congo)
  • Hilde Marie Movafagh, Board Member (Norway)
  • Roland Fernandes, Ex Officio Member (USA)
  • Tom Wolfe, Immediate Past President (USA)

IAMSCU Board of Directors Roster 2023–2026


Christopher Stephens, England
Jamisse Taimo, Mozambique
Janet Unsworth, N. Ireland
Jeffrey Kuan, USA
Luther Felder, USA
Hilde Marie Movafagh, Norway
Bishop Mande Muyombo, Democratic Republic of Congo
Fayneese Miller, USA
Yoshiharu Yamamoto, Japan
Rowanna Marie, South Africa
Glen O’Brien, Australia
Bishop Rosemarie Wenner, Germany
Andrew Gordon-Brown, United Kingdom
Chris Holoman, USA
Nakamichi Motoo, Japan
Adriana Murriello, Argentina


Ex Officio / Voice and Vote
Roland Fernandes, USA
Amos Nascimento, Brazil


Ex-Officio / Voice no Vote
Roger Ireson, USA
Ken Yamada, Japan/USA
Gerald Lord, USA
Kimberly Lord, USA
Sergei Nikolaev, Russia


Regional Officers / Voice, No Vote
Stephen Hendricks, South Africa
Jamisse Taimo, Mozambique
Young Min Paik, South Korea
Connie Mella, Philippines
Stephan von Twardowsky, Germany
Paulo Garcia, Brazil
Claudia Lombardo, Argentina
Mark Davies, USA
Jane Leach, England
Scott Gilpin, USA