GBHEM has established 11 LEAD Hubs to support local leadership, education and development across the globe. Scroll through our listings below to find the nearest hub in your region or click here for the brochure directory.

LEAD Hub Argentina: Spanish-speaking areas of Latin America and the Caribbean

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Contact: Lic. Claudia Lombardo

The Argentina LEAD Hub opened in 2017 as a collaboration between GBHEM and the regional offices of the General Board of Global Ministries and The Upper Room. It is located in the former home of the historic seminary, the Superior Institute of Theological Studies (ISEDET). Today, project partners include the Ward Institute, the Institute of Theological Studies and Latin American University (UCEL).

LEAD Hub Brazil: Portuguese-speaking areas of Latin America and the Caribbean

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Contact: Dr. Paulo Garcia

The LEAD Hub in Brazil seeks to improve leadership in the Methodist Church in Brazil and use practical programs to strengthen connections between Portuguese and Spanish-speaking areas of Latin America. Some of its key initiatives include improving chaplaincy leadership training through GBHEM’s Global Chaplaincy Training Program and building a stronger network of regional theological education leaders.

LEAD Hub Britain

Location: Cambridge, U.K.

Contact: Rev. Dr. Jane Leach

The LEAD Hub in Britain was established in 2018 through a partnership between GBHEM and Wesley House, Cambridge. As part of its mission, the Hub promotes the concordat partnership between The United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church in Britain. The Hub also stewards important educational initiatives like the doctoral program in Methodist Theology offered in partnership with Africa University in Zimbabwe.

LEAD Hub Côte d’Ivoire: French-speaking areas of Africa

Location: Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Contact: Dr. Yed Angoran

The Côte d’Ivoire LEAD Hub works closely with regional partners like the Institute Supérieur Théologie d’Abidjan-Doume, the Africa Association of Methodist Institutions of Higher Education (AAMIHE) and the Africa Association of United Methodist-related Theological Institutions (AAUMTI) to promote educational and community-based programs throughout French-speaking regions of Africa.

LEAD Hub Germany

Location: Reutlingen, Germany

Contacts: Dr. Stephan von Twardowski

This LEAD Hub works closely with long-standing partners of GBHEM, such as Reutlingen Theological School (Germany), Oxford Brookes Centre for Methodism and Church History and Roehampton University (England). Churches, hospitals, social service agencies and theological seminaries have also been critical partners in the region.

LEAD Hub Mozambique: Portuguese-speaking areas of Africa

Location: Maputo, Mozambique

Contact: Rev. Dr. Jamisse Taimo

The Mozambique LEAD Hub has partnered with GBHEM on multiple initiatives in Angola and Mozambique. It’s launched projects like a training program on education and innovation that matches United Methodist University of Mozambique students with local businesses to boost innovation and entrepreneurship. It also hosts GBHEM’s Global Chaplaincy Training Program, designed to prepare leaders who will provide spiritual care at schools, clinics and other UM ministries in Angola and Mozambique.

LEAD Hub Philippines

Location: Manila, Philippines

Contact: Rev. Dr. Connie Semy Mella

Launched in March of 2019, the LEAD Hub in the Philippines works in close partnership with the Union Theological Seminary to bring new educational and community-based programs to the region.

LEAD Hub South Africa: English-speaking areas of Africa

Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Contact: Rev. Dr. Stephen J H Hendricks

The South Africa LEAD Hub was formed as part of an agreement with the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA), and a partnership with the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Mozambique. It provides for more ecumenical collaboration, cost-sharing and strategic partnerships throughout the region.

LEAD Hub South Korea

Hub Location: Seoul, South Korea

Contact: Rev. Dr. Young Min Paik

In 2011, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) signed partnership agreements with Yonsei University and its School of Theology in Seoul, Korea, to serve as the LEAD Hub for the Asia Pacific region. Since then, the hub has supported projects in Korea, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Cambodia and India.

LEAD Hub Sweden

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Contact: Rev. Dr. Michael Nausner

The LEAD Hub in Sweden works with communities in Northern Europe and the Baltic Area. Its local partners include the United Methodist Center of Theological Studies (Norway), Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary (Estonia), Moscow Theological Seminary (Russia) and the Stockholm School of Theology (Sweden).

LEAD Hub North America: United States of America

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Contact: Dr. Mark Davies

The LEAD Hub in Oklahoma City launched in 2018 and works in close partnership with Oklahoma City University and the Oklahoma Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. One of its first projects was organizing a Summer Sustainability Institute for undergraduate students from Methodist-related colleges and universities.