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  • GBHEM Announces the Election of Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball as Board of Directors President
    Published On: April 19, 2022

    Nashville, TN, April 19, 2022 - The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) recently announced the election of Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball as the President of its board of directors. Bishop Steiner Ball presides over the West Virginia Annual Conference and has served the church in a variety...

  • Our Reflections from the 2022 Jurisdictional Conferences
    Published On: March 8, 2022

    In the United States of America, The United Methodist Church is divided into five areas known as jurisdictions: Northeastern, Southeastern, North Central, South Central, and Western. Jurisdictional conferences typically meet every four years to elect new bishops and select members of general boards and agencies. After electing 13 new...

  • An Open Letter to IAMSCU In Response to the Invasion of Ukraine
    Published On: March 8, 2022

    We stand with the people of Ukraine. The invasion of their sovereign land by order of the President of Russia is unjustifiable. It is in violation of any standard set among nations for how to live in just ways within the world community. This invasion has killed thousands, targeted innocent civilians,...