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“The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) of The United Methodist Church (UMC) is partnering with Phoenix Marketing International (PMI) to conduct research related to the current and emerging needs of current and future leaders of the Church, the academy, and the world. Your voice and perspective are...
The Reverend Gerald C. Liu, PhD, Director of Collegiate Ministries, Initiatives, and Belonging and ordained elder of the Mississippi Annual Conference is pleased to announce 10 Francis Asbury Award winners for the 2020 – 21 academic year on behalf of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry [GBHEM] and...
MUTARE, ZIMBABWE —At the United Methodist-related Africa University (AU), the university’s board of directors has opened a search for AU’s fifth Vice Chancellor. Bishop Mande Muyombo, chair of the Africa University Vice Chancellor Search Committee said the committee is working with Korn Ferry International (KFI) to identify a candidate who...
Research-Based, Strengths-Focused Tool Offers Enhanced Reporting, Mobile Format to Help Clergy, District Superintendents and Annual Conferences Better Quantify Leadership Effectiveness and Develop Plans to Enhance Ministry NASHVILLE, Tenn. – To ensure local pastors have a complete view of their ministry and how to continue developing engagement within their church, GBHEM...
Sept. 23-May 29 The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) invites you to join BOM Academy 2020-2021. We have remodeled our quadrennial training of Board of Ordained Ministry members into a unique multipart virtual training with special appearances by nationally renowned experts in theology and faithful leadership. As...
Upcoming Events
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry scholarship application portal closes on March 31 for United Methodist students seeking scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study at colleges, universities and seminaries in the United States. Potential scholarships awarded range from $500 to $1,200, on average.