Latest News

  • GBHEM General Secretary Plans to Retire in 2019
    Published On: March 13, 2019

    In a speech to employees on Wednesday, Rev. Dr. Kim Cape announced plans to retire as the general secretary of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) later this year. She has directed GBHEM, the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church, since 2011. Cape has served...

  • Can the UMC Sustain 13 Seminaries? A New Study Investigates
    Published On: March 11, 2019

    Are 13 theological schools sustainable by the United Methodist Church (UMC)? A new, independent study found data for that question.   In his “Study of the Thirteen Official Theological Schools of The United Methodist Church,” Daniel O. Aleshire, former executive director of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), identifies characteristics that set the UMC theological schools apart from those of other denominations. These include racial and...

  • Four Steps to Improve Agency Efficiency and Effectiveness
    Published On: March 7, 2019

    In early 2018, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) launched a new strategic process to ensure the greatest return on investment for its work. Its goal is to bolster the efficiency and impact of GBHEM’s many services as the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church...

  • Specially Designed E-Readers Support Students in Africa
    Published On: March 4, 2019

    United Methodist college and university students in Africa will soon have a unique, affordable tool to help them study. After nearly two years of discussions and research, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) and the African Association of Methodist Institutions of Higher Education (AAMIHE) have procured 1,000...

  • Annual Conference Leaders Make Plans for Eight-Year Assessment Process
    Published On: February 23, 2019

    Plenary Session The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) hosted a three-day training, February 19-21, for Annual Conference leaders focused on understanding, developing and implementing the Eight-Year Assessment (EYA) as sanctioned by the 2016 General Conference and described in paragraph 349 of the “Book of Discipline.” The training provided...

Upcoming Events

Wiley University Choir

Join the Black College Fund at the National Black Methodists for Church Renewal on March 19-22 in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Hermon J. Felton, president of Wiley University, is the keynote speaker. The Wiley University Choir will perform.

U.S. Scholarship Portal

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry scholarship application portal closes on March 31 for United Methodist students seeking scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study at colleges, universities and seminaries in the United States. Potential scholarships awarded range from $500 to $1,200, on average.

Joint boards for Global Ministries and Higher Education and Ministry

The Board of Directors for the General Board of Global Ministries and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry will meeting in person on April 10-12 in Atlanta.