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  • Meet the Scholars: AU Chaplain Examines Faith in Context
    Published On: September 26, 2019

    Rev. Maudy Muchanyereyi, Africa University Chaplain. Rev. Maudy Muchanyereyi likes to say that her career in higher education “found her.” A member of The United Methodist Church’s Zimbabwe Episcopal Area, Muchanyereyi stepped into the role of chaplain at Africa University after serving as pastor at a community church, and faith...

  • 48th Women of Color Scholar Builds Community, Promotes Belonging
    Published On: September 19, 2019

    When Elyse Ambrose began studying for her master of divinity degree, she never imagined she would continue to a doctorate. But many of her academic advisors at the Interdenominational Theological Center noticed her passion for her work and encouraged her to take the next step. “I took my assignments...

  • New Book Calls on Christian Truth Tellers in a Fake News Age
    Published On: September 4, 2019

    Where would we be without the truth telling of Jesus? In an era of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” the choice is clear: truth telling or bondage to lies. In “Truth Telling in a Post-Truth World,” D. Stephen Long argues that we tell the truth not because we are convinced...