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Methodist leader Nathan Bangs worked to shape the church as missionally focused more than “respectable,” asserts Jared Maddox, Ph.D., in “Nathan Bangs and the Methodist Episcopal Church: The Spread of Scriptural Holiness in Nineteenth-Century America,” the latest release from the Publishing Office of the General Board of Higher Education and...
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church, has named Cynthia Howard as executive director of marketing and communications in the Office of Strategic Leadership. “Cynthia brings a wealth of experience and a passion for this critical work of our...
Methodist educational leaders and members of the African Association of Methodist Institutions of Higher Education (AAMIHE) and the African Association of United Methodist Theological Institutions (AAUMTI) are gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa, this week for a joint conference. The leaders affirmed their commitment to church unity and established the “Africa...
Disagreements in The United Methodist Church about human sexuality extend as far back as the birth-control movement of the 1920s, says Ashley Boggan Dreff, Ph.D., in “Entangled: A History of American Methodism, Politics, and Sexuality.” The volume was recently released by the Publishing Office of the General Board of Higher...
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) today announced the appointments of Rev. Mark Forrester, D.Min., as assistant general secretary and the Rev. Tammy Gieselman, D.Min., as director of Schools, Colleges, and Universities, both within the Division of Higher Education. “Mark and Tammy bring a wealth of accomplishments...
Upcoming Events
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry scholarship application portal closes on March 31 for United Methodist students seeking scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study at colleges, universities and seminaries in the United States. Potential scholarships awarded range from $500 to $1,200, on average.