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  • Top 10 Most Important Leadership Competencies
    Published On: February 1, 2019

    What does it take to be a principled, Christian leader? What do strong leaders in the church need to be successful in 2019 and beyond? The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church (UMC), commissioned ROI Institute, Inc. to study the...

  • #MeToo in Church: New Guide to Pastoral Care for Domestic Violence Survivors
    Published On: January 22, 2019

    Many clergy and pastoral-care professionals are unprepared to assist the victims of domestic violence who sit in their churches’ pews, observes Dr. Christy Gunter Sim in “Survivor Care: What Religious Professionals Need to Know About Healing Trauma,” a book recently released from the Publishing Office of the General Board of...

  • Latest Book from GBHEM Publishing Offers a Practical Guide to God’s Grace
    Published On: January 16, 2019

    Grace is simple but complex, free but not cheap, and comprehensible but mysterious. In his new book “Simply Grace: Everyday Glimpses of God,” released by the Publishing Office of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church, Bruce L. Blumer delves into the sometimes perplexing power of God’s grace and the role it plays...