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To say that Rev. Kathy Price is dedicated and hardworking is an understatement. Kathy invests in continuing education to further her knowledge and reach within her ministry. In 2008, Kathy entered the Course of Study (COS) program at Candler School of Theology, Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. During her time...
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) supports increased interfaith dialogue among United Methodist campuses, providing students with the education and skills they need to be leaders in a religiously pluralistic world. With financial support from the Texas Methodist Foundation (TMF), Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) partnered with GBHEM,...
More than 70 participating scholars and observers gathered for the academic theological colloquy, “The Unity of the Church and Human Sexuality: Toward a Faithful United Methodist Witness.” Hosted at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia, the event launched with impactful presentations on Friday, March 10 and...
Pavielle Chriss Jenkins serves as the director of Faith Formation for First United Methodist Church Richardson in Texas. Pavielle’s story of grace and perseverance is truly inspiring. Pavielle used the help she received, including scholarships from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), to enhance her life so...
At 72-years-old, Edward “Ed” Stephenson may not be the typical Course of Study (COS) candidate. However, Ed made a commitment to complete the program and has remained true to his commitment. In 2011, Ed entered into the COS program at Duke Divinity School. His journey to Duke began when he...
Upcoming Events
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry scholarship application portal closes on March 31 for United Methodist students seeking scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study at colleges, universities and seminaries in the United States. Potential scholarships awarded range from $500 to $1,200, on average.