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  • New Study Guide Available to Help Church Discuss Human Sexuality
    Published On: May 17, 2017

    The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) and the Association of United Methodist Theological Schools, in support of the Commission on a Way Forward, today announced the release of a new study guide, “The Unity of the Church and Human Sexuality: Toward a Faithful United Methodist Witness.”   The...

  • GBHEM Publishing Office Releases Two New Titles
    Published On: May 12, 2017

    The Publishing Office at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) today announced the release of two new books, “Common Worship: Tradition, Formation, Mission” by E. Byron Anderson and “The Vocation of Theology: Inquiry, Dialogue, Adoration” edited by Rex D. Matthews.   “Common Worship: Tradition, Formation, Mission” says a...

  • David N. Field Releases a New Book with GBHEM Publishing
    Published On: May 4, 2017

    The Publishing Office of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) announced the release of a new book, “Bid Our Jarring Conflicts Cease: A Wesleyan Theology and Praxis of Church Unity.” In this work, David N. Field examines and interprets three of John Wesley's key sermons and Wesley’s...