New Book Calls on Christian Truth Tellers in a Fake News Age

Published On: September 4, 2019

Where would we be without the truth telling of Jesus?

In an era of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” the choice is clear: truth telling or bondage to lies. In “Truth Telling in a Post-Truth World,” D. Stephen Long argues that we tell the truth not because we are convinced it will have an immediate impact, but because we have faith that this is how God builds God’s reign.

Truth telling witnesses to hope. It can be more than just an appeal for power. Truth telling can dare to be charitable, seeking not to win or destroy, but to live consistently into the image of God in which we are all made.

This book addresses the skepticism about our capacity to know anything for sure and the inevitable consequences of moral relativism. The author writes that skepticism and relativism cannot provide effective barriers against the drift by democracies into authoritarianism.

Long begins “Truth Telling in a Post-Truth World” by saying that truth and freedom promote human flourishing and concludes by pointing us to how we can discern and practice truth telling as private citizens and as people of faith. 

“Truth Telling in a Post-Truth World” has been highly praised. Noted theologian Stanley Hauerwas says, “With characteristic intelligence, erudition and passion, Steve Long helps us see that the lie makes the achievement of justice impossible.” 

K. K. Yeo, New Testament professor at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, writes, “Change is constant in our world today—a seismic cultural shift in which we see a hunger for power and domination, as well as an eagerness to believe deception in the guise of freedom. In ‘Truth-Telling in a Post-Truth World,’ Steve Long invites readers to be beacons of light and bearers of truth, so that the Church can transform the world as it seeks justice, truth, compassion and beauty.”

“Timely,” proclaims David P. Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics and past president of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Christian Ethics.

Charles E. Curran, professor of Human Values at Perkins School of Theology adds, “Steve Long has the uncanny ability to propose in language the non-specialist can readily understand.” 

D. Stephen Long is Cary M. Maguire University Professor of Ethics at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. Author of fourteen books, Long is also a past president of the Christian Theological Research Fellowship and an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church.

Interested in reading this with a church book club or weekly group? A free discussion guide is available upon request from

Get your book at Amazon and Cokesbury.

Wesley’s Foundery Books is an imprint of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). Representing the rich diversity of the church, Wesley’s Foundery Books offers a disciplined and balanced approach. GBHEM’s publishing office produces books that engage, nurture and advocate for the intellectual life of the UMC. GBHEM Publishing is an affiliate member of the Association of University Presses.

About GBHEM: The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s mission is to build capacity for United Methodist lay and clergy leaders to discover, claim and flourish in Christ’s calling in their lives, by creating connections and providing resources to aid in recruitment, education, professional development and spiritual formation. Every elder, deacon and licensed local pastor benefits from our training and candidacy programs. Many young adults find help in clarifying their vocation and God’s call in their lives through our leadership and discernment programs. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @GBHEM.

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