New Release from Wesley’s Foundery Books Provides Resources for Pastors and Churches in Puerto Rico
The Publishing Office of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), the leadership development agency for the denomination, announced the release of a new book, “Escoge la Sabiduría: Cómo servir y utilizar nuestras palabras y dinero para hacer el bien” [Translation: Choose Wisdom: How to Serve and Use Our Words and Money to Do Good] by Rev. Eric A. Hernández López with the preface written by Justo L. González, Ph.D.
Hernández authored the book with the goal of equipping local churches and leaders in Puerto Rico with a resource to facilitate healthy conversations, inspire generosity and engage in service. The inspiration for the book came following the disaster brought to the island of Puerto Rico by Hurricane María.
Written in Spanish and beginning with the book of Proverbs, Hernández invites readers to choose wisdom by using our gifts, words, and money to do good, build the kingdom of God, and transform our communities. Hernández emphasizes that stewardship is not about what we have but what we give others. He gives the readers a healthy foundation to teach and guide congregations in areas related to money and tithing.
Hernández is a pastor and chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry in the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico. He is also a licensed industrial/organizational psychologist. Hernández serves on the GBHEM Board of Directors’ Global Education and Ministry Committee.
“Escoge la Sabiduría” highlights the importance of the priesthood of all believers and provides practical recommendations on how to live an abundant life by serving the church and community. Hernández affirms that we can learn about the health of our congregations by the way people talk and manage conflict. This book is a valuable resource to help not only Hispanic Latino ministries in The United Methodist Church but any Spanish-speaking church.
“Eric A. Hernández López writes from the perspective of a pastor who is ready to do practical theology, and his book is an excellent contribution to the work of the church,” commended Bishop Héctor F. Ortiz Vidal, Methodist Church of Puerto Rico.
Samuel Pagán, Ph.D., dean of Hispanic Programs at Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies, said, “This book affirms the virtue of using optimally, in accordance to the Bible advices, our service, words, and money. The heart of the book is that we should do everything well, because it reveals our spiritual and emotional maturity.”
Rev. Ediberto López, Ph.D., professor of New Testament and Greek at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, acclaimed, “500 years ago, the Protestant Reformation transformed the church into a learning center. Like Luther, Calvin, and Wesley, Eric A. Hernández López unfolds his passion of forming our lay and clergy. This book is an example of a pastoral ministry with a pedagogic and biblical intentionality.”
“Eric A. Hernández López has turned these topics of wisdom into a stimulating, agile, practical, and required reading to any lay or clergy leader who wishes to be transformed by the Spirit,” added Rev. Doris J. García Rivera, Ph.D., president and professor of Old Testament at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico.
“Escoge la Sabiduría” is available at and For more information about GBHEM’s Publishing Office, visit Publications or follow @GBHEMPublishing on Facebook.
Wesley’s Foundery Books is an imprint of GBHEM. Foundery books are clearly and accessibly written by Methodist/Wesleyan experts, with an emphasis on church life and ministry. Representing the rich diversity of the church, Wesley’s Foundery Books offer a disciplined and balanced approach.
About GBHEM: As the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s mission is to build capacity for United Methodist lay and clergy leaders to discover, claim and flourish in Christ’s calling in their lives, by creating connections and providing resources to aid in recruitment, education, professional development and spiritual formation. Every elder, deacon and licensed local pastor benefits from our training and candidacy programs. Many young adults find help in clarifying their vocation and God’s call in their lives through our leadership and discernment programs. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @GBHEM.
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