Rev. Greg Bergquist, GBHEM General Secretary Friends, A halo of possibility is always right beside us. Dr. Stuart Kauffman, a theoretical biologist and complex systems researcher, believes that alongside the other general laws of physics should be something he calls the “Adjacent Possible Theory.” The idea of the “adjacent possible”...
At their annual January meeting, members of the National Association of Schools and Colleges of the United Methodist Church (NASCUMC) voted to change the membership policies governing their organization. “With this vote, we’ve begun an approximately six-month-long process to broaden our membership and open our organization to educators in the...
Presidents and top representatives from United Methodist schools, colleges and universities across the United States have announced their support for the creation of a U.S. Regional Conference of The United Methodist Church. There are multiple proposals before the 2020 General Conference that call for the creation of a U.S. Regional...
Rev. Sign is an adjunct lecturer in social sciences at Africa University. Rev. Sophirina Sign has had a lifelong passion for learning, a thirst for answers that drives her ministry as well as her studies. When asked how faith has shaped her career, she explained, “Through reflecting on the things...
The GBHEM Office will be closed Dec. 24-27 and on Jan. 1. We look forward to serving you in 2020!
(Read this release in English) El Rvdo. Juan Eduardo Guerrero Pulido La Junta General de Educación Superior y Ministerio (GBHEM por su sigla en inglés) anuncia con entusiasmo una nueva asociación para llevar a seis países de América Latina ediciones en idioma español de títulos populares de la Editorial GBHEM....
(Leer en Español) Rev. Guerrero working at his press in Colombia. The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) is thrilled to announce a new partnership to bring Spanish-language editions of popular GBHEM Publishing titles to six Latin American countries. The agreement begins with one book and will ideally...
Rev. Greg Bergquist, General Secretary The Board of Directors for the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) is pleased to announce the election of Rev. Greg Bergquist as the agency’s new general secretary. Bergquist comes to the role after serving for six months as GBHEM’s acting general secretary....
Paying for college can seem like a daunting task for anyone, but for students who grew up in foster care or children’s homes, it can be an almost insurmountable task. The J.A. Knowles Scholarship was created with those students in mind. Administered by the General Board of Higher Education and...
Participants gather for worship at Exploration 2019. At a time when The United Methodist Church is facing unprecedented change and uncertainty, Exploration 2019 was a powerful reminder of just how many young leaders are willing to step up and steer the future of the Church. “God is still calling and...
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