• Meet the Scholars: Educator Explores Spiritual Awakening from Aldersgate to Nigeria
    Published On: October 31, 2019

    Rev. Yahuda Zailani, Lecturer at Banyam Theological Seminary, Nigeria Rev. Yahuda Zailani has served in ministry for the United Methodist Church for more than 25 years and has spent the last 12 as a lecturer at Banyam Theological Seminary in Nigeria. He keeps a packed academic schedule — teaching five...

  • Meet the Scholars: AU Chaplain Examines Faith in Context
    Published On: September 26, 2019

    Rev. Maudy Muchanyereyi, Africa University Chaplain. Rev. Maudy Muchanyereyi likes to say that her career in higher education “found her.” A member of The United Methodist Church’s Zimbabwe Episcopal Area, Muchanyereyi stepped into the role of chaplain at Africa University after serving as pastor at a community church, and faith...

  • 48th Women of Color Scholar Builds Community, Promotes Belonging
    Published On: September 19, 2019

    When Elyse Ambrose began studying for her master of divinity degree, she never imagined she would continue to a doctorate. But many of her academic advisors at the Interdenominational Theological Center noticed her passion for her work and encouraged her to take the next step. “I took my assignments...

  • New Book Calls on Christian Truth Tellers in a Fake News Age
    Published On: September 4, 2019

    Where would we be without the truth telling of Jesus? In an era of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” the choice is clear: truth telling or bondage to lies. In “Truth Telling in a Post-Truth World,” D. Stephen Long argues that we tell the truth not because we are convinced...

  • Black College Fund Summer Series: Becoming a Voice for the Voiceless
    Published On: August 30, 2019

    By Jessica Love Black College Fund (BCF) Lina H. McCord intern Marcinia Johnson is a rising sophomore at Bennett College, and her ultimate career goal is to become a defense attorney for mentally disabled persons. Her own life experience drives her to speak up for others. “I want to represent...

  • GBHEM Stands with Our Schools
    Published On: August 29, 2019

    Friends, John Wesley carefully intertwined education with faith when he formed the Methodist tradition as a student movement at the University of Oxford in 1729, and later founded Kingswood School in 1748. Nearly three hundred years later, the tradition of Wesleyan education has lifted millions out of poverty, swept the...

  • First Africa University-Wesley House Doctoral Class Takes Shape
    Published On: August 26, 2019

    This summer, Africa University (AU) and Wesley House Cambridge officially launched their new joint doctoral program with a class of 13 students from across the continent of Africa. “The program helps to develop faculty for Methodist theological seminaries, colleges and universities in Africa,” said Dr. David Bishau, director of Africa...

  • Black College Fund Summer Series: Discovering New Purpose After Tragedy
    Published On: August 15, 2019

    By Jessica Love For many young adults, the transition to college is an exciting time – new faces, new environment and new opportunities. Even more thrilling is the love and support of family during this important phase. For Samarya Jenkins, things were different. She had a difficult start at Claflin...

  • GBHEM Awards Nine Grants to Expand Minority Leadership
    Published On: August 15, 2019

    The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) awarded nine Ethnic-in-Service Training (EIST) Grants this summer. Offered in sums up to $10,000, EIST grants help United Methodist institutions and their surrounding communities recruit, train and support ethnic persons for leadership roles throughout the church and the world. This year’s...

  • In Memoriam: Dr. Julius S. Scott, Jr.
    Published On: August 8, 2019

    Dr. Julius S. Scott, Jr. Photo courtesy of Paine College. On August 1, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) said goodbye to another longtime member of its education family. Dr. Julius S. Scott, Jr., the agency’s former associate general secretary for the Division of Higher Education, passed...