• May 12, 2017

    The Publishing Office at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) today announced the release of two new books, “Common Worship: Tradition, Formation, Mission” by E. Byron Anderson and “The Vocation of Theology: Inquiry, Dialogue, Adoration” edited by Rex D. Matthews.   “Common Worship: Tradition, Formation, Mission” says a broken church cannot heal a broken world. Anderson explains, “To...

  • April 29, 2024

      The process of uniting knowledge and vital piety is a theological core value of the Wesleyan tradition, The United Methodist Church, and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), which guides United Methodist higher education ministries. United Methodists are called to support principled Christian leaders around the world who are informed and formed by a holistic process...

  • November 9, 2020

    Artwork for the Collegiate Ministry Devotion Series

  • July 27, 2017

    The Publishing Office of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), the leadership development agency for the denomination, announced the release of a new book, “GO! How to Become a Great Commission Church,” by Mark R. Teasdale. Teasdale’s “GO!” provides valuable tactics to help churches answer God’s call and move forward in their mission and work, breaking stereotypes...

  • May 9, 2018

    The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) and the Association of United Methodist Theological Schools announced the release of a new study guide, “Missio Dei and the United States: Toward a Faithful United Methodist Witness.” The guide, suitable for a six- to eight-week study, is a resource to help readers take stock of Wesleyan heritage and ask how...

  • October 5, 2017

    The Publishing Office of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) announced the release of a new book, “Encoding Methodism: Telling and Re-Telling Narratives of Wesleyan Origins.” In this work, Ted A. Campbell offers a comprehensive and critically documented account of the founding of Methodism and the distinctive identity of the religious community. Campbell makes a pointed effort...

  • January 31, 2024

    For Inquiries Contact General Board of Higher Education and Ministry The United Methodist Church Attention: John A. Clark P.O. Box 340007 Nashville, TN 37203 USA 615-340-7350 jclark@gbhem.org |www.gbhem.org | facebook.com/gbhem | twitter.com/gbhem For Rights and Permissions Contact: John A. Clark 615-340-7350 jclark@gbhem.org