• January 15, 2024

    Regional Course of Study Schools are established by the Division of Ordained Ministry at locations central to student populations, taking into consideration such factors as availability of United Methodist theological school faculty, library resources, dormitory space, the density of student populations, etc. Full-time local pastors must attend one of these approved Regional Course of Study Schools. *Please visit...

  • January 12, 2024

    The fund supports the 11 historically black colleges and universities related to the church — the largest number of black colleges and universities backed by any church body in the United States. The presidents of these institutions make up the Black College Fund Council of Presidents. Scroll below to find their names and contact information for their offices. ...

  • January 18, 2024

    LEAD Hub– Britain Location: Lead Hub Britain Executive Director: Jane Leach E-mail: leadBritain@gbhemhubs.org Lead Hub Britain is embedded in the Cambridge Theological Federation and works closely with the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University.  We partner with Africa University and Kenya Methodist University in building theological capacity through offering PhD programs for Methodist theological educators...

  • January 17, 2024

    Termos e Diretrizes para o Curso de Estudo Online Da: Junta Geral de Educação Superior e Ministério, Igreja Metodista Unida, Divisão do Ministério Ordenado Efetivo: A partir do 1º de Janeiro de 2015; Revisado em 9 de novembro de 2021 TAXA DE MATRÍCULA A Taxa de Matrícula do curso online deve ser pago e enviado junto com o formulário...