
The goal of General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s (GBHEM) publishing ministry is to connect knowledge with vital piety. The United Methodist Church has tasked GBHEM with tending and growing this tradition. GBHEM’s publishing ministry seeks to accomplish our important work by producing academic resources for the constituencies of the agency, including single-author and multi-author works, as well as edited volumes.
GBHEM publishing is intentionally Methodist and broadly Wesleyan in its theological scope. Our purpose is to engage, nurture, and advocate for the intellectual life of The United Methodist Church.
GBHEM’s publishing ministry operates through two academic imprints, focused on providing written books for church and ministry and reviewed monographs for scholars and their students. Learn more about each imprint below.
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GBHEM Academic Imprints
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Books published under this imprint support the mission of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church to recruit, prepare, nurture, and educate Christian leaders.
New Room Books
Named for the New Room in Bristol, England and place of John Wesley’s study, New Room Books is a reviewed monograph series that offers scholars from the Methodist tradition a way to share the benefits of their research and in-depth study.
Modeled After Wesley
Central to that historic mission is a rigorously intellectual evangelical spirit. John Wesley expected that the innate desire of the heart for repentance, once fulfilled through the saving mercy of Christ, would lead to a deeply informed and committed discipleship, with readings and instruction in the Bible and spiritual texts. It is well known that Wesley expected much of his preachers. In addition to the hardships of itinerant preaching, he expected them to read and study, dictating for them the course of study in which they would engage. This was done so that the preachers, as well as the laity, might understand the depths of Christian faith rooted both in the heart and in the mind.
New Room Books Editorial Board Members:
- Ted A. Campbell
- Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi
- Margaret Ann Crain
- Mark Y. A. Davies
- David Schnasa Jacobsen
- Raymond Simangaliso Kumalo
- John R. Levison
- Priscilla Pope-Levison
- Randy L. Maddox
- Hilde Marie Øgreid Movafagh
- Amos Nascimento
ex officio
- Shannon Conklin-Miller
- Michael Nausner
- Sergei Nikolaev
- F. Douglas Powe Jr.
- Lallene J. Rector
- Russell E. Richey
- Elaine A. Robinson
- Karen B. Westerfield Tucker
- Traci West
- Ben Witherington III
- Anne E. Streaty Wimberly
- K.K. Yeo