- by Jane Leach
Supervision can be a gift of grace. This book explores pastoral supervision in the context of leadership development and equips readers with practical tools with which to create and implement policies that will help ministers become better, more effective grace-filled leaders. The book is informed...
- by Charles “Ray” R. Bailey, General Editor
Reflecting on Your Leadership Journey Journal your way through a 12-week Christian leader intensive. This fully illustrated resource combines winning leadership concepts and insightful scriptural meditations in a daily journal specifically created for leaders. Use it to chart a personal leadership path and as an...
- by M. Flugence Nyengele, PhD
Written in French, this book by M. Flugence Nyengele tells the story of United Methodism in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Le méthodisme uni au Congo a un héritage riche dans l’engagement social motivé par l’évangile de vie et d’amour qui cherche à avancer le...
- by Sarah E. Bollinger & Angela R. Olsen
Find peace, balance, focus, and well-being in the midst of everyday pressures of college life. An 8-week, small group curriculum designed to teach psychosocial skills and help students build resiliency and foster mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being using mindfulness techniques. Based on current research, The Awakened...
- by Christy Gunter Sim
Help victims of violence and abuse find healing. Written especially for Christian professionals and pastors, this book explains the complexities of violence and care.From a sound scientific and spiritual perspective, Sim gives concrete ways to address standards of care, healing, and confidentiality and shows why violence...
- by Karen D. Scheib
Refresh, renew, rekindle passion for ministry by helping others revisit their stories. Reinvigorate your ministry as you help others. Author Dr. Karen Scheib says that to experience a new sense of freedom in caring for others, we must first help them attend to their story...
- by David E. MacDonald
Incorporate spiritual disciplines into collegiate ministry settings. Inspired by the religious life of St. Benedict and richly illustrated with concrete examples, MacDonald adapts eight spiritual disciplines for emerging young adults. This book is a practical guide for those who work with emerging adults—college and university...