Imagining Equity: The Gifts of Christian Feminist Theology

Imagine the possibilities of a non-sexist Church that advocates justice for all.
Christian feminist theology challenges traditional theology and Church practices that have restricted half of God’s people from serving God and the Church as priests, pastors, teachers, and baptizers. This book offers a constructive argument and biblical examples to suggest a dynamic adaptation and revision of customs in narratives, prophecy, wisdom, including especially the incarnation and in Jesus’s life and teaching. After carefully defining “feminism” and examining the biblical text, the author emphasizes that outsiders and othered peoples are represented in the Bible as loved and used by God, even though the privileged have actively discriminated against them and continue to do so both in and out of ecclesial structure.
Christian feminists seek to find, listen, and raise the voices of women and others’ experiences through diverse means, in order to contribute to the spread of the gospel, redemption, and justice for all.
A noted Old Testament scholar, Karen Strand Winslow is Professor of Biblical Studies, Chair of Biblical and Theological Studies, and Director of the Masters of Arts in Theological Studies at Azusa Pacific Seminary, Azusa Pacific University. She is also an ordained elder of Free Methodist Church, Southern California Conference.
Praise for Imaging Equity
“What would Christianity be like if women had not been marginalized, ignored, or objectified? Winslow rightly says it would be better. In her exploration of scripture, culture, and history, Winslow offers a winsome vision of Christian feminism. This book can help us all imagine—and live out—a better future for women and the world!”
—Thomas Jay Oord, author of The Uncontrolling Love of God and many other books
Wesley’s Foundery Books is an imprint of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church. These books are clearly and accessibly written, with an emphasis on church life and ministry. Representing the rich diversity of the church, Wesley’s Foundery Books offer a disciplined and balanced approach and are available in the U.S. and U.K. GHBEM Publishing is an affiliate member of the Association of University Presses.