Unmasking Racism: Coloring with Love in the Church, Community, and Academy

Unmasking Racism: Coloring with Love in the Church, Community, and Academy posits that exposing, unmasking, and/or eliminating racism are prophetic responses to God’s call. Love of God and neighbor represent their foundation. Justice, equality, mercy, and love for all God’s children are one decision away—namely making a commitment to do God’s will. By coloring with God’s love, we take the long view. God uses our prayers, meditation, discernment, nonviolent direct action, and redemptive suffering to move our world toward a more perfect union.
Ernest S. Lyght, DMin, is a retired United Methodist bishop who enjoys time with his family and his many hobbies.
Michele E. Watkins, PhD, is assistant professor of theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego and a provisional elder of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Julius E. Del Pino, PhD, is a United Methodist minister currently serving as an elder and has taught at St. Paul School of Theology and Yale University Divinity School.
Jonathan D. Keaton, STD, is married with children and is a retired Bishop in the United Methodist Church.
Praise for Unmasking Racism
“[Unmasking Racism is] informed [and] hard-hitting in its analysis of the racial animus endemic to the interlocking ecclesial and social history of the United States. The autobiographical sections give real-life immediacy and impact to the social critique.”
- Dr. Larry Murphy,
Emeritus Professor of the History of Christianity, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
“Unmasking Racism is an exemplary work that balances personal vulnerabilities with scholarly analyses of systemic racism… By publishing these stories… the authors remove their own masks in order to show all people how we can center our relationships with others and with God around love.”
- Dr. Ashley Boggan D
., General Secretary, General Commission on Archives and History, The United Methodist Church
“In this groundbreaking, thought provoking collaboration, Lyght, Watkins, Del Pino, and Keaton elevate the unfinished conversation on racism within the frame of intersectionality. This book is powerful and prophetic and will inspire truth-telling, liberation, and much needed conversations.”
- Bishop Tracy Smith Malone
, Resident Bishop, the East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church
Wesley’s Foundery Books is an imprint of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church. These books are clearly and accessibly written by Methodist/Wesleyan experts, with an emphasis on church life and ministry. Representing the rich diversity of the church, Wesley’s Foundery Books offer a disciplined and balanced approach. GHBEM Publishing is an affiliate member of the Association of University Presses.
As the leadership agency, the mission of General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is to build capacity for United Methodist lay and clergy leaders to discover, claim, and flourish in Christ’s calling in their lives, by creating connections and providing resources to aid in recruitment, education, professional development, and spiritual formation. GBHEM Publishing produces books that engage, nurture, and advocate for the intellectual life of The United Methodist Church.