Online Resources: Keeping Your Ministry Connected

As many of us move to digital models to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, GBHEM is here with the resources and tools you need to keep your daily ministries connected. On this E-Resources page, we’ll offer live online training opportunities, recorded webinars, downloadable ministry resources, videos, answers to frequently asked questions and more. This is an evolving page and we will update it frequently with new digital content to help you on your called journey.

Remember to check back regularly for answers to new questions and to access updated content!

Right now, we are getting things started with the following resources:
Leading In Crisis: When Internet Access Becomes a Barrier to Education

Leading in Crisis: When Internet Access Becomes a Barrier to Education. On Nov. 16, GBHEM hosted the final 2020 edition of its “Leading in Crisis” e-panel series. View the full recording here.

GBHEM E-Panel Series

Now, more than ever, it is important for people of faith to continue to dialogue together. GBHEM has created an accessible, digital platform for lay and clergy leaders to have rigorous academic discussions, share practical advice and join together in thoughtful contemplation. Watch them all here.

Frequently Asked Questions: Shaping Your Mission and Ministry

How can we help you? What questions do you have about higher education and ministry during this global health crisis? Browse our FAQs or fill out our form to submit your questions.

Recommended Reading

Many of our GBHEM authors have research or words of wisdom that can help during trying times. We’ve curated the list of books below to help you tackle new issues you may be facing as a result of the coronavirus. The crisis is unique, but there are enduring lessons of faith, leadership and morality that can guide us all right now.

Published in cooperation with Yale University, “Joy: A Guide for Youth Ministry,” argues that joy is a root metaphor for youth ministry. With contributions from more than

a dozen noted theologians, the book explores that natural tendency of young people to embrace joy and wonder at life and discusses how that tendency can be embraced to build a flourishing youth ministry. It asserts that joy is a practicable virtue of the Christian faith, which expresses gratitude for God’s gracious gifts, moves us to worship, and empowers us for active love of God and neighbor.

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In times of confusion and chaos, our moral obligation to the truth is more important than ever. Long, a noted ethics professor at Perkins School of Theology, discusses the role of faith leaders not only in spreading truth, but in specifically refuting falsehoods. This engrossing book draws on the Biblical basis for setting truth as the foundation of free societies. “Truth Telling in a Post-Truth World” reminds all of us how to witness to the truth and share it as a beacon of hope.

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Praying with the Wesleys

Praying with intention and discipline can help us all to cope with the challenges we are facing. This richly illustrated book includes prayers, hymns, and reflective writings from John, Charles and Susanna Wesley. It examines the roots, impact and trajectories of early Methodist spirituality, in hopes that this exploration will help us chart a new course for the “people called Methodists” as we sail the rough seas of our time.

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Book Cover: Grace to Lead: Practicing Leadership in the Wesleyan TraditionNow is a time for leaders to boldly step forward. Designed specifically for Christian leaders and teachers, this book delves into Wesleyan scholarship to guide readers into effective contemporary leadership from a solidly Wesleyan perspective. A revised edition, it expands the content of the first edition and includes more illustrations and models of leadership formed and empowered by grace. Greater attention is given to leadership practiced by congregations and institutions as well as by individuals.

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Book Cover: Attend to Stories: How to flourish in ministryDuring times of crisis, we must all find ways to fortify against burnout. Scheib’s book offers a strategic method for rekindling your passion and reinvigorating your ministry as you help others. She explains that in order to experience a new sense of freedom in caring for others, we need to help them attend to their story and connect their story with others and God. To do so this effectively, we must be willing to revisit our own story.

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Book Cover: A Wesleyan Theology of the EucharistIn confronting a “new normal” for life and ministry, now may be a good time to learn more the roots and evolution of Wesleyan theology. “A Wesleyan Theology of the Eucharist” is a thorough reference for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the practice of Holy Communion. This book brings together scholars who seek to recover the importance of Holy Communion for theology and ministry.

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Book Cover - JournalMany leaders are changing their approach and adjusting to new forms of leadership in a time of social distancing. This fully illustrated resource combines winning leadership concepts and insightful scriptural meditations in a daily journal designed to help leaders pause and reflect on their path forward. It offers relevant scripture passages, inspirational stories, insightful information, expert advice and generous space for journaling. Use it to develop and construct your vision to lead right now.

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Are you discerning a call to ministry? Are you trying to decide your next steps right now? “Listen. Discern. Respond.” can help. This interactive journal is a guide to answering God’s invitation. Created as part of the Young Clergy Initiative, it offers more than 80 unique, thought-provoking exercises to help you uncover what your purpose might be. Use it to sketch, pray, color, sing, ponder, question and more.

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Shows the clear connection between justice and religious education in the Black experience. The resource sets forth the cultural imperatives of ministry and the contextual nature of a public theology of religious education that connects faith formation and action in addressing profoundly difficult, unjust, and wounding experiences of Black people in society.

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