Every year, GBHEM awards an average of $5.5 million in financial aid to students. These funds are truly an investment in the future. Every dollar spent goes towards supporting and educating a new generation of principled Christian leaders for the church and the world.

Our organization is proud to support thousands of students through scholarships and loans, but we would like to do more. Our funds are limited, and every awards cycle we end up with a large pool of qualified candidates who we are unable to help because there was no money left to give. You can help us change that! Donate now and help more students answer God’s call to higher education.


Our current funding priorities include:

  • Gift of Hope: United Methodist undergraduate leaders attending any accredited college or university.
  • Special Seminary: Scholarship for students attending United Methodist seminaries.
  • Women of Color Scholars: Scholarship and mentoring for women of color pursuing doctoral degree.

Additional Ways to Show Your Support through Special Sunday Offerings

  • Student Day: Gifts to Student Days fund scholarship programs for promising United Methodist students. This includes programs like the Rev. Dr. Karen Layman Gift of Hope Scholarship. It is a scholarship designated for undergraduates with at least three years of membership in The United Methodist Church. Click here to donate to Student Day.
  • Native American Ministries: Gifts to Native American Ministries help develop and strengthen Native American ministries within the annual conference if that conference has Native American ministries. Click here to donate to Native American Ministries. Each gift helps by:

Providing scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology and other schools approved by the University Senate of The United Methodist Church.

Expanding the number of target cities in the Native American Urban Initiative.

GBHEM Ethnic Scholarship Program
$500 – $900
Designated for racial-ethnic minority undergraduates who have been a member of the UMC for at least one year and have a minimum 2.5 GPA.

GBHEM Journey Toward Ordained Ministry
Designated for any undergraduate or graduate level racial-ethnic minority student pursuing ordained ministry (deacon or elder). Applicants must be age 30 or under, have a minimum two years of membership in the UMC and be enrolled in a UM-related institution. Undergraduate students must have a minimum 2.85 GPA and graduates must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. The scholarship includes a mentoring program component.

Ethnic In-Service Training (EIST) Grants
Up to $10,000
Designated for programs designed to bolster recruitment, training and retention of ethnic persons for leadership positions at every level of the church and its ministry. Read more.

  • The General Board of Global Ministries’ World Communion Scholarship: This scholarship provides limited funding for international students who are United Methodist or from churches of Methodist denominations with affiliate status with the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM). Full additional scholarship information students should contact GBGM by phone at 404-942-4026 or email at scholars@umcmission.org.

GBHEM is a 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 62-0476239