GBHEM can help you reach you educational goals by connecting students with important funding resources within the United Methodist Church.
United Methodist students who are enrolled in a degree program at an accredited institution within the U.S. may explore scholarship options here.
Students who are seeking funds for undergraduate, graduate or seminary education outside of the United States should explore these options:
- GRASP: Through the International Grants and Scholarship Program (GRASP), GBHEM offers funds to help offset the cost of education for students studying at a Methodist-related institution outside the United States. This is a need-based scholarship for United Methodist students in high school, college, seminary or university. Requirements and the full application are available here.
- Young People’s Ministries International Scholarship: Administered by the United Methodist General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), this is a need-based scholarship for United Methodist students, ages 16-30, attending a university outside of the United States. Requirements and the full application are available here. Students will need to create a profile to apply.
To learn more about all of GBHEM’s educational opportunities outside the United States, visit our Global Education Programs page.